Rabbi Green: Vaccination is a Moral Issue

Rabbi Green:  Vaccination is a Moral Issue
VACCINATION IS A MORAL ISSUE Dr. Rima’s Truth Reports #DontYouDare Podcast Archive is Here: https://www.brighteon.com/dashboard/videos/7e80532b-178e-49a5-8267-cf98471ba08d Dr. Rima’s Unmasked Crusaders podcast of 9 February 2021 featured Rabbi Michoel Green, a Chabad Rabbi from Massachusetts whose Congregation is losing its accreditation for opposing vaxx mandates.  Rabbi Green, Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph discuss the science and morality of vaccine mandates with specific reference to the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID Vaccines.… Read the rest

More COVID Vaxx Deaths: VAERS Reports Shocking!

More COVID Vaxx Deaths: VAERS Reports Shocking!
#DontYouDare www.DontYouDare.me The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, VAERS, has a disturbing pattern of deaths occurring after receiving one of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID Vaccines.  Here is a sampling: Cecilia Marie, [10.02.21 09:39] [Forwarded from PATRIOTS 17 🇺🇸] Rest In Peace ❤️ VAERS ID # 936805-1. AGE 25. MALE Vaccinated 12/22/2020. Found unresponsive and subsequently expired at home on 1/11/2021.… Read the rest

Tonight’s Unmasked Crusaders Podcast

Tonight’s Unmasked Crusaders Podcast
Dr. Rima’s Truth Reports #DontYouDare Podcast Archive is Here: https://www.brighteon.com/dashboard/videos/7e80532b-178e-49a5-8267-cf98471ba08d Dr. Rima’s Unmasked Crusaders podcast tonight (6 PM EST) guest is Rabbi Michoel Green, a Chabad Rabbi whose Congregation is losing its accreditation for opposing vaxx mandates. Let’s all support him by tuning into the podcast. Watch the Livestream at: https://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalSolutions/live Or here is link to how you can listen over PeopleforPeople Ning Network http://www.opensourcetruth.com/natural-solutions-livestream-expanding/… Read the rest

COVID Vaxx Death Watch

COVID Vaxx Death Watch
KEEPING UP WITH THE COVID VAXX DEATH TOLL The number of articles exposing the dangers of the EUA COVID vaccines continues to grow.  A sampling garnered from uncensored social media of the escalating COVID Vaxx Death Crisis may suffice to raise a strong warning against volunteering for the vaccines.  #DontYouDare Only Idiots Volunteer to be Vaccinated! We saw this coming: “Immunity” Passports: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/sweden-joins-denmark-us-issuing-immunity-passports… Read the rest

COVID Vaxx Deaths Continue

COVID Vaxx Deaths Continue
THE FACES OF VACCINE DEATHS #DontYouDare This report from the Ghion Journal is disturbing. [1] It suggests that the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the COVID vaccines is leading to increasing, avoidable, vaccine adverse reaction deaths. It puts faces and human stories on the statistics. The article notes: “…the fatality rate of Covid-19 is less than 1%, the true rate is drastically lower when you consider the amount of people who caught the virus but were asymptomatic thus were not included in the studies that quantify the impact of Novel Coronavirus …the experimental “vaccines” do not offer immunity at all; at best you will have antibodies for three months after which you are right back to where you started …getting the experimental “vaccines” does nothing to protect you from a new variant, right after getting the jab of one strain, you can end up infected with a new mutation the same day or a week later …the antibodies developed from the experimental “vaccines” can lead to an onset of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), a deadly immune response that was very prevalent in lab animals when mRNA technology was first being developed You do not have to accept an EUA vaccine.… Read the rest

COVID Vaxx is Voluntary in Europe

COVID Vaxx is Voluntary in Europe
In Europe COVID vaxx is voluntary https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29004/html The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the parent body of the European Court of Human Rights, has just adopted a Resolution, No. 2361, reasserting the universal right of Informed Consent. “7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves; 7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated; 7.3.3 take early effective measures to counter misinformation, disinformation and hesitancy regarding Covid-19 vaccines; 7.3.4 distribute transparent information on the safety and possible side effects of vaccines, working with and regulating social media platforms to prevent the spread of misinformation…” Assert your right of Informed Consent to refuse the COVID vaccines. … Read the rest

‘Significant’ Vaccine Side Effects in Florida

‘Significant’ Vaccine Side Effects in Florida
With just 1.8 million vaccines doses delivered to Florida’s 21 million people [1] troubling levels of adverse reactions are being reported. Here are the relevant statistics from the South Florida Sun Sentinel as reported by HeadlineHealth.com. [2] – 8,523 COVID-19 vaccine adverse event reports in the U.S. – 417 COVID-19 vaccine adverse events reports from Florida – 329 deaths in the U.S.;… Read the rest

Biden CDC Orders TWO Masks to Use Public Transportation

Biden CDC Orders TWO Masks to Use Public Transportation
Regime Threatens to Arrest Scofflaws! EVEN BABYLON BEE COULDN’T HAVE MADE THIS UP! My comment, posted to an article at Zero Hedge [1]: This new order reminds me of Woody Allen’s movie Bananas where the Leader of the Revolution, as his first Order after taking over in a coup, requires everyone to wear their underwear over their pants. There is NO science behind the latest Order of the Head of the Regime [see one of the good doctors on this issue:   http://www.opensourcetruth.com/dontyoudare-virologist-masks-provide-no-corona-protection-why-are-we-using-them/ … Read the rest

#Don’tYouDare Pfizer/Moderna “Vaccines” Gene Therapies, Not Vaccines, Provide NO COVID Protection

#Don’tYouDare  Pfizer/Moderna “Vaccines” Gene Therapies, Not Vaccines, Provide NO COVID Protection
MUST WATCH, MUST SHARE VIDEO SPEND LESS THAN 40 MINUTES TO LEARN WHAT YOU MUST KNOW, AND SHARE, BEFORE BECOMING PART OF A MISBRANDED GENETIC EXPERIMENT Assert Your Right of Informed Consent! Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 31, 2021 Note: certain words which evoke censorship have been modified intentionally to minimize the chance of restriction of speech and opinion.… Read the rest

Biden Advised to Prioritize COVID Vaxx

Biden Advised to Prioritize COVID Vaxx
Biden Advised to Prioritize COVID Vaxx FOCUS ON SENIORS THOUGH VACCINE NEVER TESTED ON THEM! CNBC reports [1] former Biden adviser recommendation:  “Osterholm said that the administration should attempt to administer as many first doses of vaccine as it can, particularly to those over 65-years-old, ahead of a potential surge in cases linked to mutations found overseas.” The main problem with that advice is that the vaccines were never safety tested for the elderly population! … Read the rest