WHO Won’t Listen to You. But the World Will!

WHO Won’t Listen to You. But the World Will!
WHO Won’t Listen to You. But the World Will! Snake Flag of the World Health Organization (WHO) ] Opportunity! While WHO and national governments are attempting to negotiate away our national and personal sovereignty in secret, excluding us from the deliberations because we are not (in their eyes) “Relevant Stakeholders”), this genocidal, criminal organization pretends that they want to hear from you.… Read the rest

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Light Medicine – A New Paradigm The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity Dr. Rima’s Guest for 6:00 PM EDT Tuesday 30 August 2022 is Dr. Ana.  You do not want to miss this extraordinary meeting of two brilliant medical minds. LISTEN LIVE HERE:  https://peopleforpeople.ning.com HOW TO LISTEN:  http://www.opensourcetruth.com/ost-podcast/ PODCAST ARCHIVES!  https://rumble.com/c/c-905913 Dr. Rima Recommends that you take a look at this paper by Dr.… Read the rest

Secret Negotiations to Destroy US Sovereignty

Secret Negotiations to Destroy US Sovereignty
MUST ACT! NOW!!! SECRET NEGOTIATIONS NOW UNDERWAY TO DESTROY US SOVEREIGNTY ACT HERE: https://inhere.salsalabs.org/congress-stop-who         MUST ACT! NOW!!! SECRET NEGOTIATIONS NOW UNDERWAY TO DESTROY US SOVEREIGNTY TELL CONGRESS: EXPOSE AND OPPOSE WHO: https://inhere.salsalabs.org/congress-stop-wh #KillWHO Before WHO Kills YOU! US SOVEREIGNTY SECRETLY BEING NEGOTIATED AWAY! Your tax dollars are being used to destroy your country.  The pending International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments (proposed by traitors in the US government) and the proposed WHO Pandemic Response Treaty are designed to allow the Director General of WHO unlimited, dictatorial power to seize all governance and operations of each member state.  … Read the rest

A Heart-Felt Message from Murata-san

A Heart-Felt Message from Murata-san
A Heart-Felt Message from Murata-san From our Correspondent in Japan 5 August 2022 The Dawning of a New Japan and a New World Dear Friends, In the analysis of the current crisis the world is faced with, an increasingly important factor are the teachings of philosophy, namely: The will of heavens and the earth that protects humanity and the earth. The law of history that does not allow immorality to last indefinitely.… Read the rest

#KillWHO Before WHO Kills You!

#KillWHO Before WHO Kills You!
#KillWHO Before WHO Kills You! Support the Bill to Kill WHO Action Item — https://inhere.salsalabs.org/killwho WHO has Declared a fake “World Emergency” (PHEIC — pronounced ‘fake’) over Mon(k)eypox! In order to protect people in the United States from World ‘Health’ (sic) Organization (WHO) tyranny, including its power under the International Health Regulation to declare a “PHEIC” (Public Health Emergency of International Concern), significantly compromising our national sovereignty) it is imperative that Congress withdraw the US from the UN and WHO.… Read the rest

We’ve been PHEIC’d! #KillWHO

We’ve been PHEIC’d! #KillWHO
WHO MON(K)EY POX ‘EMERGENCY’ We Told You So TIME TO PUSH BACK NOW! ACTION ITEM: https://inhere.salsalabs.org/unilateraldictator #KillWHO Archive Podcast (26 July 2022 / Guest: James Roguski) https://rumble.com/v1dti65-kill-who-before-who-kills-you.html   From Telegram 23 July 2022:   World Health Organization Secretary General Tedros: “I have decided that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.” [PHEIC] Dr. Rima Laibow has repeatedly warned that Mon(k)ey Pox (that ‘k’ is silent) was about to become the new ‘pandemic’ which would test the global health tyranny proposed by WHO in its pending amendments to the International Health Regulations — giving the ‘Secretary General’ of WHO unprecedented power.… Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #395 – Special Guest Janet Phelan

Lost Arts Radio Show #395 – Special Guest Janet Phelan
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website iFrame is not supported! Snake Venom In The Water? If So, How? Investigative Journalist Janet Phelan Exposes The Truth Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 7/17/22 Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio https://www.brighteon.com/channels/lostartsradio https://www.bitchute.com/channel/lostartsradio https://live.ahava528.com/channel/Lostartsradio https://www.facebook.com/lostartsradio/videos Listen via phone (during show time): 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! Veteran journalist Janet Phelan (www.buymeacoffee.com/JanetPhelan),… Read the rest