Fighting Cancer The Preventative Way: These Vital Food Tips Will Help You Stave Off Cancer The Natural Way
Cancer is big business, in case you haven’t heard. There are more people making a living from cancer than could have been imagined 100 years ago, or even 25 years ago. Estimates say the cancer industry pulls in around $120 billion a year in the U.S. alone, $600 billion worldwide.
So with that much money at stake, is it any wonder that cancer cures are always promised for some vague time in the future? Meanwhile, research continues to get funded, grants get bestowed, endowments get more and more endowed.
The truth is, there is not now and there will be no cure for cancer, except for prevention.
We make food and other health choices every day that can contribute to our chances of getting cancer. But the good news is that with all those billions of dollars going into cancer research, we know more than ever how to go about preventing it in the first place. Here are some of the top recommendations from the American Institute for Cancer Research.
• Fight cancer one plateful at a time – A healthy diet is all about balance. We need fats, carbohydrates and proteins in order to function, but if the balance between them is askew it leads to consequences. That’s why the AICR recommends that each meal should be made up of two-thirds plant-based foods, and no more than one-third animal protein. There are plentiful studies linking red meat to colon and other types of cancer, and the modern diet in industrialized nations is far too heavy in meat to be healthy.
• Show your true colors – Fruits and vegetables that are most colorful are known to have more nutrients of the cancer-fighting sort, especially red, dark green and orange veggies. Also, by leaning more heavily on vegetables in general you can lower your risk of cancer by dropping weight–having excess body weight has been linked to a higher risk of colon, esophagus and kidney cancers.
• Don’t wait to Folate – Folate is a B vitamin that is gaining respect as a cancer fighter, especially cancers of the colon, rectum and breast. Breakfast is a great way to start upping your folate intake, with eggs, whole wheat products as well as orange juice, melons and strawberries providing a solid base. Other folate-heavy foods include asparagus, beans, sunflower seeds and leafy green vegetables.
• Say no to the dog – Reducing your intake of processed meats like hot dogs, corned beef, bologna, and ham can greatly lower your risk of colorectal and stomach cancers. Also avoid meats that have been preserved by smoking or with salt.
• I say tomay-toe, you say tomah-toe – A raft of studies have shown a link between eating tomatoes and a reduced risk of several types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Some think it may be lycopene, the pigment hat makes tomatoes red. And if you don’t care for tomatoes in their natural, raw form, never fear: even processed tomato products like juice, sauce or paste show these cancer-fighting abilities.
A cancer-free life starts with what we put in our bodies. Eating sensibly is the best way to maintain your health for the long run!