Santiago de Chile – 04 February 2016: Maj. General Albert N. Stubblebine (US Army, Ret.), President of Natural Solutions Foundationissues a public warning regarding the alleged Zika Virus, Birth Defect connection:
“Any link between the Zika Virus and the horrendous outbreak of microencephaly in Brazil is merely an allegation, and is no way proven. This unproven allegation is neither a proper logical nor legal basis for the WHO Global Health Emergency Declaration.… Read the rest
Author: TruthOpener
Vaccine Exemptions Under Attack
Vaxx Loonies On the March, Coming for YOU!
We Told You 2016 Would Be the Year of the Deadly Syringe and,
Man, Oh, Man, Is It EVER!
Read on for details but here is the bottom line: ALL of the vaccine exemptions that have existed for decades are under attack all over the world and either we hold them off at the pass and push the mandates back using a variety of integrated strategies or you WILL be vaccinated.… Read the rest
Zika Gets a Bad Rap But is New Killer DTaP Vaccine to Blame?
Microcehalic Girls
“A shocking and, I think, correct re-examination of the Zika Virus causing 2400 Brazillian babies to be born with a deadly deformation called “Microcephaly” (literally ‘tiny head’) suggests that the mosquito story is nothing more than a deceitful cover story to hide the fact that a new DTaP vaccine, which women in Latin America are urged to get before they are 22 weeks pregnant, is the real cause of this horrible deformity.”… Read the rest
School Boys Fall Ill, Collapse After Being Given Vaccinations
Northampton, UK: The Northampton School for Boys said it is not known what caused the pupils to fall ill but said the vaccine was withdrawn ‘as a precaution’. The letter, sent by the nursing team, reads: ‘Dear Parent/Carer, please be advised that the immunization session your child attended today was suspended due to unforeseen circumstances. Some of the vaccinated children have become unwell shortly after vaccination.’… Read the rest
Global Meltdown
Bill Holter from JS Mineset joins SGT Reports to cover the unfolding global economic collapse. “This is it. We’re watching the meltdown. This is history being made.” Interesting discussion of gold and silver and how the “paper metals” are about to go bust spurring the price of the real metals. Prognosticating Fed Reserve plans too. Expect QE4 and negative interest rates.… Read the rest
CDC WHO HPV Vax Viral DNA Contamination Cover-Up
CDC WHO HPV Vax Viral DNA Contamination Cover-Up
January 15, 2016, Milford, CT: World-Renowned Physician and Researcher Sin Hang Lee, MD Submits Formal Complaint to
World Health Organization.
“It is my opinion that Dr Pless [GACVS], those whose names appeared in the emails attached to this complaint, and all who blindly dismiss the potential toxicity of the newly created HPV L1 gene DNA/AAHS compound in order to continue to promote HPV vaccinations should be held accountable for their actions.… Read the rest
Open Source Truth™ Start Here!
This is the first Open Source Truth (OST) Posting.
Welcome to OST– where you’ll find real information real fast.™
What about? About everything that’s important to modern people in the modern world.
We are passionate about our future, our hopes, our possibilities. We intend to thrive in a freer, more prosperous world.
To do that, we all need to know the Truth.… Read the rest