New JAMA Study Proves What Integrative Docs Have Said for Decades: Proton Pump Inhibitors are Dangerous, Unnecessary and Lead to Potentially Lethal Conditions
In another case of “Do NOT Mess With Mother Nature Because She REALLY Knows Best, Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) have been linked to yet another serious consequence: chronic kidney disease.
Frequently recommended by allopathic medicine (and TV commercials!)… Read the rest
Author: TruthOpener
VW 2009-2015 Emission Lies Cost 117K Life-Years in US, Europe
What’s Your Life Worth? Not Much, According to VW Execs Who Ordered Emissions Computers Set to Read Low on Diesel Cars from 2009 to 2015 When Fraud Was Discovered.
A new study predicts that 117,000 life-years have been, or will be lost, 44,000 in Europe and 73,000 in the US because of the additional 526,000 tons of nitrogen oxide released into the atmosphere beyond the legal limit set for diesel motors.… Read the rest
Australian Spy Agency ASIO Recruiting Trades People To Spy On THe Public
ASIO are looking to recruite blue collar workers for spying, advertisements being run by the agency make clear ASIO will recruit not just the traditional white-collar and professional officers, but blue-collar workers. In order to keep us all safe from the Boogeyman, ASIO are looking to turn Australia into a nation of eavesdropping spy’s.
This represents more loss of our freedoms & The terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, are always used to justify the ever increasing police & surveillance state that is, Australia.… Read the rest
Gardasil: A Dangerous, Contaminated And Ineffective Vaccine
An article released by The Civil Beat on FEBRUARY 8, 2016 makes outrageous claims in order to justify Mandatory HPV Vaccinations. In this sickening article they claim that HPV vaccines are Safe, highly effective & been tested extensively for safety and efficacy. Nothing could be further from the truth but in big pharma’s mad push for mandatory vaccinations, nothing shocks me anymore.… Read the rest
The Australian Fluvax Scandal
Every year in Australia during the winter flu season we get subjected to drug company propaganda and main stream media fear mongering. It seems that everywhere you go there are signs advertising flu shots and you will even receive flu shot reminders via text message. It’s amazing how so many people will roll up to the local medical centre to get jabbed with toxic, experimental, and sometimes lethal vaccines.… Read the rest
www.NaturalSolutionsGold.comRough Economic Seas are dead ahead. For once economic indicators and pundits agree. Consider, for example, the Baltic Dry Index and the CNN headline above.
Whether you think you are swimming through those seas on the back of a bull or a bear, one thing is clear: the ancient wisdom for surviving times like this is the best advice there is right now: BUY GOLD!… Read the rest
Dr. Rima Talks with UK’s Andy Preacher. Listen Now.
Join Dr. Rima and Andy Preacher for an International look at the epidemic of Mandated Vaccines, Medical Kidnappings and loss of Parental Right. Find out what you can do to stop this dangerous move to globalize ownership of you and your children.–social-services-dr-rima
Legally protected vaccine exemptions are your right. Want to find out more?… Read the rest
Vaccine Hoax : Documents from UK reveal 30 Years of Coverup
Andrew Baker ( FFN),– Freedom of Information Act in the UK filed by a doctor there has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have
1. Known the vaccines don’t work
2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent
3. Known they are a hazard to children
4. Colluded to lie to the public
5.… Read the rest
Spend Four Minutes With The Earth. You Won’t Regret It!
National Geographic gives us all a gift reminding us in just 4 minutes how indescribably precious nature, in all its glorious diversity, really is.
I believe it is impossible to watch this video without being reminded powerfully of just how much important honoring and treasuring this earth really is.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundaton… Read the rest
If Sirhan Sirhan’s Gun Held 8 Bullets, Why Were There 13 Shots When RFK Was Killed?
Sirhan Sirhan killed RFK 48 years ago. Everybody knows it.
Sirhan cannot recall that night but it is clear that he was standing in the crowd in front of Kennedy. His gun, holding 8 bullets, fired and Bobby Kennedy died. From a bullet fired 1 inch from the back of his head.
A total of 5 additional bullets, including the one that actually killed Bobby Kennedy were found, several of them in the pantry wall and door frame where the Kennedy party entered the event.… Read the rest