Murata-san Forwards a Message on Fukushima Aftermath

Murata-san Forwards a Message on Fukushima Aftermath
Over the past dozen years ‘The Conscience of Fukushima’ retired Japanese diplomat Mitsuhei Murata, “Murata-san” to his admirers, has shared a number of messages regarding the Fukushima disaster and nuclear safety issues in general.  His latest message includes a heart-felt plea from recently deceased, renowned singer Ryuuichi Sakamoto. Mr. Ryuuichi Sakamoto, world-famous musician, sent me the message attached below last June.… Read the rest

The Ten Top Reasons for Exiting WHO

The Ten Top Reasons for Exiting WHO
#ExitWHO THE TEN TOP REASONS FOR EXITING WHO Our thanks to the formidable James Roguski for these Ten Reasons to Exit WHO Take Action Here Now: ————– I demand that the United States EXIT the World Health Organization (WHO). I support the passage of House Resolution 79, the WHO Withdrawal Act, and I request that you co-sponsor this legislation in the House of Representatives and/or support the same type of legislation in the Senate A.S.A.P.… Read the rest

Free the NZ Two!

Free the NZ Two!
FREE THE NZ TWO! Our Guests Tomorrow:  Billy and Vinny  MUST WATCH PODCAST! From Billy T’K Jr. PodCast Tuesday 4 April 2023 – 6 PM EST Kia ora katoa and Hi dear friends: It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that yesterday on March 30,2023 I was sentenced to 4 months jail for breaching the New Zealand Covid-19 Health Response Act 2020 while protesting against lockdown harm and Government over reach.  … Read the rest


Memes Chosen By Dr. Rima I received a snail mail envelope on April 1st whose contents left me literally speechless. There was no return address. Inside were stickers. Powerful memes and statements and ideas that come from the heart, via the brain and hand of thinking, protesting, resisting warriors. I want to share every one of these stickers with you. There was no letter saying they can be copied, reused, published, shared, but I believe that is what they were created for.… Read the rest

Recall Notice

Recall Notice
NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOUNDATION 58 Plotts Road – Newton, NJ 07860 732-619-1568 URGENT NOTICE OF PRODUCT RECALL March 8, 2023 TO:      CUSTOMERS OF NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOUNDATION (the “Foundation”) This is to inform you of a voluntary product recall involving the following Foundation product (the “Product”) “DR. RIMA RECOMMENDS NANO SILVER 10 PPM” This recall has been initiated because the Product is labeled as a dietary supplement that, in the opinion of the government, makes unsubstantiated health claims that the product will prevent, treat, or cure COVID-19.… Read the rest

Speaking Truth to Power: Sample WHO Letter

Speaking Truth to Power:  Sample WHO Letter
Push Back Works! Use this Generic Letter to  Contact Your Representatives Here is the suggested letter: Dear Representative [Member of Congress; Member of Parliament, etc.] It is urgently important that you use the powers of your office to protect the independence and sovereignty of our nation and its people from threats contained in the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), documented here:… Read the rest

Hatred as Same Old, Same Old Psi Op

Hatred as Same Old, Same Old Psi Op
Hatred as Same Old, Same Old Psi Op. Why Does That Sound So Familiar? Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation It’s everywhere. Someone is to blame. It’s the Chinese. No, it’s the Blacks. No, it’s the Whites. No, it’s the Jews.  Right! That works since, failing anyone else to blame, it’s always the Jews. Hatred (or the magical bestowing of special virtues – the flip side of the same thing) toward members of a designated group is no longer a personal and social state of disfunction, which is what it should be.… Read the rest

The Seven Principles of Humane Health Care

The Seven Principles of Humane Health Care
DECLARATION OF THE AD HOC #WHOxit ADVOCATES COLLABORATION* The Seven Principles of Humane Health Care “Pandemics do not occur in well-functioning societies.” Public Health / Sovereignty / Personal Medical Freedom Informed Consent / Informed Dissent Social Controls Violate / Local Control Existing International regulations and treaties regarding international, local or personal health must be replaced by the principals of H.H.C.… Read the rest

Judge Napolitano Our Guest Tuesday January 17th Archive

Judge Napolitano Our Guest Tuesday January 17th Archive
The Unmasked Crusaders Dr. Rima Truth Reports Podcast Every Tuesday 6 PM Eastern Our January 17th Guest Will Astound You! JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO ON THE PROGRAM, LIVE! WHAT TO EXPECT THIS YEAR… ARCHIVE COPY —————- —————————————- Our January 10th Guest:  Larry Becraft JD Our January 3rd Guest was Ms. Anonymous Our December 27th Guest was James Roguski COME PROGNOSTICATE WITH US!… Read the rest