Health Freedom Advocates Call for a
Five Year Childhood Vaccine Moratorium
InfoWars Joins the Fight
Twin Petitions:
A White House Petition and a
Formal FDA Petition — Docket No. FDA-2017-P-4500
Two Coordinated Petitions for Legal Standing
A Five Year Moratorium Will Prevent
250,000 Autism Tragedies in the USA
And 15,000 Infant and Child Deaths
FIRST: The White House Petition is here:… Read the rest
Author: Ralph Fucetola
The Childhood Vaccination Moratorium
Two Petitions – One Strategy
White House Petition + FDA Petition = Political Pressure + Legal Standing
Every Vaccine Violates Federal Law
Since Every Vaccine Must be Shown to be Safe and Effective
Not One Vaccine has been Shown to be Either
The Courts have Held Vaccines are
“Unavoidably Unsafe”
FIRST: The Administrative Procedures Act (APA) Petition — Comments Until October 26th
You Can Reach the Comments Page here:… Read the rest
WHAT “Peer Reviewed” Science?
WHAT “Peer Reviewed” Science?
“Self-Serving” Research and Scientific Ethics…
By Ralph Fucetola JD – President, Institute for Health Freedom
The US Health Care system is in shambles. Revising or repealing ObamaCare, by making the US system less costly, is only one of the issues, and not the main one.
Our US health care system is paying for expensive nonsense (chemotherapy, Statin Drugs, vaccines, mammograms, etc) , that has little, or no validity, and does NOT improve health.… Read the rest
Urgent Messages from Murata-San
As has been our practice, we are providing here to the public the recent urgent messages from “The Conscience of Fukushima” — M. Murata, former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland, and one of the most prominent of the Japanese to be calling for “honorable retreat” from the 2020 Olympics, currently scheduled to be held in Japan near the Fukushima disaster zone.
Murata-san has these messages for us:
[1] Message to International Olympic Committee [20 July 2017]
[2] Fukushima Radiation Water Dumping into the Pacific Ocean [16 July 2017]
[3] Retreating from the Tokyo Olympic Games [17 June 2017]
Subject: Message to International Olympic Committee President Bach
Date: 08:56 AM EDT, 07/20/17
From: “mitsu”
Dear Friends,
I am sending you my message addressed to President Thomas Bach of the IOC.… Read the rest
The Summer of Lyme: 2017 Unprecedented Lyme Risk
Dr. A.S., ND, PhD Issues Warning about the Summer of Lyme
Unprecedented Outbreak of Lyme Disease Predicted for 2017/2018
Borrelia burgdorferi
[Note from Ralph Fucetola, JD: “I received this warning from a naturopathic nutritionist of my acquaintance, compiling information from several sources. I asked him to let me pass on the warning, and he graciously allowed me to do so.”]
It’s an old but true saying: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.… Read the rest