Propagandemic 2.0 Mandates and Restrictions are Unlawful!

Propagandemic 2.0 Mandates and Restrictions are Unlawful!
“They” are coming after us again… with unlawful mandates and restrictions… Although the COVID-19 declared “Pandemic disease” of 2021/22 was proven to be not much more dangerous than the Annual Flu, especially if you take into account that nearly no one died from the ‘disease’ but millions died from the officially-sanctioned ‘treatment’ for same and continue to die from long-term adverse reactions to the novel, barely tested, gene-altering ‘vaccines’.… Read the rest

Advice for the Globalists

Advice for the Globalists
Telling the Globalists Why I Will Not Comply The Seven Principles of Humane Health Care At James Roguski’s suggestion I submitted the following email to the Global Public Health Convention Panel.  You may want to submit your comments too. 21 September 2023 Dame Barbara Stocking, Chair Global Public Health Convention Panel Hon. Dame Stocking, I am taking this opportunity to do as you suggested on September 19, 2023 in your Guest Editorial at Geneva Health Files, with an offer of suggestions to resolve the WG-IHR (Working Group – International Health Regulations) ‘impasse’.… Read the rest

Freedom, Tyranny and Technology

Freedom, Tyranny and Technology
Freedom, Tyranny and Technology Rima E. Laibow MD It’s no surprise that tyrants use technology to delude, confuse and dehumanize their victims. If you can capture minds, after all, bodies are much easier to deal with, and to dispose of. Once you capture minds, those captured can be dispatched to enslave or eliminate others. And once you capture their minds, they will let you do what you wish to their bodies and thank you for it.… Read the rest

Say “No” for the Love of Humanity

Say “No” for the Love of Humanity
A HEART-FELT MESSAGE FROM DR. RIMA Say “No” for the Love of Humanity I have been sitting at my desk feeling sad. Not depressed, but sad. Sad that we are facing the possible success of sub-human monsters who want us all either dead or enslaved from the DNA outward, euthanized, trans-humanized, minimalized, mesmerized, despised. Sad that we have foolishly given them so much authority and power that they have a chance of succeeding.… Read the rest

Super Patches and the 1st Amendment

Super Patches and the 1st Amendment
SUPER PATCH TELEGRAM GROUP! Super Patches and the 1st Amendment Dr Rima’s Super Patch Kids Telegram Group Once I learned about Super Patches, the surgical tape patches enhanced with code that sets up a communication loop between haptic (skin) receptors and the brain, a biofeedback loop encouraging increasing homeostasis (well-being and health) I had to share that information. After trying out several of the patches on myself, and getting Counsel Ralph’s experience, sharing it with a few others and getting their feedback, I was beyond excited: the reports were quite literally, astonishing.… Read the rest

More on the Super Patch

More on the Super Patch
Subject: WOW! Super Patch WOW! Two days ago, I shared the Super Patch option for haptic health and homeostasis. An amazing number of people have decided to try it for themselves (with a 30-day money back guarantee, why not, after all). And I realized that I had forgotten to share something really important about this breakthrough. Link: But first, let me share a real letter (name redacted) that I received this morning.… Read the rest

Speaking to Your Self

Speaking to Your Self
Blow Your Mind… Dr. Rima has brought to our attention the Super Patch, a unique way to communicate information to your brain.  Here is what she had to say about that: One of the great mysteries of science is how we know what we know, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, intuitively and physically. If I write a number “8” on your skin when your eyes are closed, how does your brain figure out what it is?… Read the rest

Super Patch: Blow-Your-Mind-Breakthrough in Drug-Free Wellbeing?

Super Patch: Blow-Your-Mind-Breakthrough in Drug-Free Wellbeing?
Blow Your Mind… As you know, I have practiced drug-free medicine and psychiatry for 53 years and I know quite a bit about helping folks get well and stay that way without any pharmaceuticals. But when I was lecturing in Mexico this June, one of the exceptional people I met asked me if I knew about Super Patch technology. I had no idea what she was talking about.… Read the rest

The Abolition of the Parent

The Abolition of the Parent
Share this Urgent and Powerful Message all across Social Media! Stop the Abolition of the Parent! Link from the International Journal of the Institute for Health Research: Excerpt: The Parent/Child bond is under massive concerted attack by powerful forces, including national and international bureaucracies. The parent/child relationship has been at the heart of human culture since before the beginning of civilization and is widely understood as a sacred bond, protected in law and by tradition.… Read the rest

Dr. Koren on ‘Chicken Pox Parties’ & the Vax

Dr. Koren on ‘Chicken Pox Parties’ & the Vax
We reproduce an article from Dr. TeddKoren, a renowned health care professional and noted teacher. A Pox On My House Tedd Koren, DC We went to a chicken pox party a few weeks ago. This is how it works: someone’s child has chicken pox, and they invite people to bring their kids. The idea is for the children to get it now instead of when they’re older when it can be much more uncomfortable and dangerous.… Read the rest