I Will Not Comply Flyer

I Will Not Comply Flyer
I WILL NOT COMPLY Please Download and Share This Flyer Everywhere! More information about the I Will Not Comply campaign here: I Will Not Comply Declaration https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/i-will-not-comply-declaration/ https://clipchamp.com/watch/11AV1ZxAVOl http://www.opensourcetruth.com/merch-merch-merch http://www.opensourcetruth.com/i-will-not-comply-flyer/ Merch! https://loud-proud-and-free.printify.me/products… Read the rest

Super Patch Super Feedback

Super Patch Super Feedback
Super Patch Super Feedback Super Patch haptic vibro-tactic (skin touch sensing) technology is intriguing enough that lots of us have tried it by visiting https://drrima.superpatch.com. And some of you have accepted my invitation to share your experiences with me. We’ve got good news and good news. Which do you want first? The good news is that virtually all of the feedback is enthusiastic: people are getting what they hoped for or even more from the patches.… Read the rest

I Will Not Comply Declaration

I Will Not Comply Declaration
URGENT ACTION ITEM! LINK TO VIDEO ACT NOW: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/i-will-not-comply-declaration/ Get Your I Will Not Comply Merch Here: https://loud-proud-and-free.printify.me/products ALSO DOWNLOAD AND SEND THE ABOVE STICKER EVERYWHERE! Sign the Universal Declaration of Non Compliance and share it with everyone you can think of, using every means you can think of to do it. It’s Universal because everyone, everywhere in the world is invited to sign.… Read the rest

Preliminary Data for the Super Patch

Preliminary Data for the Super Patch
Dr. Rima’s Notes and Considerations for Super Patch Clinical Studies I do not like claims that are not supported by data.  They irritate me. If you are going to assert that something has an real life impact, and if you want me to use that something, I will listen if and only if you can show me some reason to believe that you are not just blowing smoke up my tail pipes or that you believe something without proof.… Read the rest

Not All Dead People Are Stiffs

Not All Dead People Are Stiffs
Not All Dead People Are Stiffs This is a deeply concerning picture, Folks. Of course, it is concerning to see a dead body draped with a sheet along the side of the road. Someone’s son, someone’s daughter, as we all feel because we are compassionate human beings. But this image, shared by Mark Crispin Miller in his amazing, distressing, and incredibly important Substack, “Died Suddenly”, is particularly disturbing.… Read the rest

Dr. Nass’s Defamation of Gen. Bert? Dr. Rima Corrected

Dr. Nass’s Defamation of Gen. Bert? Dr. Rima Corrected
Dr. Nass’s Defamation of Gen. Bert? Dr. Rima Corrected Effective activists like Dr. Rima and her late husband, Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army) take a lot of flack and are the subject of both casual and well-focused disinformation, rumor, slander, and character assassination. Ordinarily, Dr. Rima, General Bert and I ignore these attacks, taking them as an indication that the work we are doing is having its intended effect – and the other side does not like it one bit!… Read the rest


MERCH! MERCH! MERCH! Shop for Non-Compliance here: https://loud-proud-and-free.printify.me/products Loudly, Proudly and Freely show that YOU WILL NOT COMPLY! And do it with Merch!!!!!   Look, there are couple of reasons for you to get – and give – this new I WILL NOT COMPLY merch. The first is that we need to demonstrate to everyone we can reach that they are not alone and that there is, quite literally, a world wide movement of people who are saying, and who mean it when they say, that they simply will not be sucked into the insane and destructive maelstrom of another propagandemic.… Read the rest