Top 10 Reasons The US Should Leave UN/WHO

Top 10 Reasons The US Should Leave UN/WHO
Top 10 Reasons The US Should Leave UN/WHO/Etc. Support the Disengage Entirely From the UN Debacle Act here: Share this opportunity with everyone you can reach to do the same Rima E. Laibow, M.D. The UN’s AGENDA 2030 Requires the Destruction of All Rights, Population Reduction and Permanent Dependence on the State for Everything. Governance will be through the established UN structures which have already been put in place.… Read the rest

Will YOU Survive 2024?

Will YOU Survive 2024?
Dr. Rima Truth Reports Newsletter and Podcasts OUR GUEST: BILLY T’K FROM NZ PROGNOSTICATING 2024: THE GREAT CULLING HAS BEGUN SIGN UP TO LISTEN LIVE! TUESDAY 6 PM EST Act Here Now: Getting and Giving… Please Remember Us During This Giving Season IF YOU DO NOT SUPPORT YOUR HEALTH FREEDOM WHO WILL? We Urgently Need Your Support This Week!… Read the rest

Dr Rima Truth Reports Newsletter Sign-Up

Dr Rima Truth Reports Newsletter Sign-Up
We are continually hammered by email service providers, lopping-off thousands of emails at a time. If you haven’t received a newsletter from us in the past month, please sign up again! Please also join us on social media, links below.   Our Social Media Our X (Twitter) and Telegram Links Open Source Truth Prevent Genocide 2030: Red Pill Crusaders… Read the rest

Dr. Rima on Hanukah 2023

Dr. Rima on Hanukah 2023
Hanukah Volunteers Needed Sign-up for Dr. Rima Truth Reports Below Hanukah, the Jewish Festival of Light, is celebrated on Kislev 25 by Jews around the world. It celebrates freedom of conscience, of religion, of thought. It is especially appropriate for those of us everywhere, from every culture, to join with the Maccabees, who led the rebellion necessary to preserve that freedom 2 millennia ago.… Read the rest

Congress: Get US Out of UN/WHO

Congress: Get US Out of UN/WHO
Push Congress to Do the Right Thing: Get US Out of UN/WHO/Etc! Tell Congress to Pass the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act TAKE ACTION NOW: Three US Congressmen just introduced companion bills to get the US out of the UN, WHO and all associated organizations and entanglements (which would include the utterly disastrous – and legally binding – International Health Regulations (IHR).… Read the rest

Informed Dissent: The Book

Informed Dissent: The Book
INFORMED DISSENT During the Years of the Declared Pandemic, On the Way to World War Three: 2019 – 2023 The ‘pandemic’ started in early 2020 but things were already in motion in 2019, with at least one ‘think tank’ running a simulation scenario in October involving a new pandemic disease that would rapidly spread from a lab in a city in China.… Read the rest

Foundation and Institute Opt Out of WHO IHR

Foundation and Institute Opt Out of WHO IHR
WE WILL NOT COMPLY WITH HEALTH TYRANNY You can support the Foundation and the Institute here: The following email was sent today to the WHO, opting out of the International Health Regulations. 30 November 2023 National Solutions Foundation Tucson AZ 85716 Unted States of America Email: World Health Organization Att: Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Avenue Appia 20 — 1211 Geneva, Switzerland… Read the rest

Dr. Rima and Dr. McCullough: A Meeting of Medical Minds

Dr. Rima and Dr. McCullough: A Meeting of Medical Minds
Two of the Good Doctors Talk About the Lessons of COVID and Humane Health Care ‘I am treating vaccine injured patients every day.’ Here is Dr. Rima’s interview with Dr. McCullough on 28 November 2023. Dr. McCullough came onto the podcast halfway through the program. !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"v3vupe1","div":"rumble_v3vupe1"}); Further information: The Seven Principles of Humane Health Care… Read the rest

Musings of a Jew…

Musings of a Jew…
Musings of a Jew in the Wake of the October 7 Events in Israel Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation I am speaking for myself here, not for Israel, not for the Jewish Community (if there were such a thing), not for American Jews or any other moiety.  I am sharing my personal thoughts. I have never been to the Middle East although I was accepted to Medical School at Hebrew University when my fiancé was planning a Post Doctoral Fellowship at the Weitzman Institute before his mentor, Aharon Kachalsky, was murdered by Black September at Lud Airport when returning home from Pakistan, ending our Middle Eastern plans (and the life of one of the most brilliant scientists who ever lived).… Read the rest