The Premier of New South Wales has acknowledged that without dramatically lower case numbers, even opening up at 80% vaccination rates will be difficult, as hopes of a lighter lockdown beyond August fade, and Brad Hazzard the Minister for Health and Medical Research has now told parents in a press conference that 24,000 children will be herded like cattle into a stadium to get the experimental Covid-19 vaccine, and parents will not allowed to be present.
The children will be greeted by the friendly, smiling faces of Australia’s armed forces at the door to usher them inside as is evident from the following tweet posted by Australia’s Department of Defence

When they get inside they can then look forward to a “Big Brother” style address from the New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian, who will fill their heads with propaganda and lies and thank them for participating in the largest experiment ever conducted on humanity.

Then they can move on to the best part where they can watch on enviously as some of their friends suffer an immediate adverse reaction and collapse to the floor just like the three teens that collapsed at the Qudos Arena “vaccination hub” in New South Wales, Australia.

Meanwhile their parents can look forward to being harassed by the police or the armed forces, and being issued fines for thousands of dollars if they dare to breach stay at home quarantine, lie to a contact tracer, stray over 5km from their home without a permit, and venture outdoors without partaking in actual exercise.
But are these draconian restrictions justified? According to the New South Wales Covid-19 dashboard, absolutely not.
Since March 2020 the state of New South Wales which has a population 8.16 million has conducted 11,122,726 faulty Covid-19 tests and found just 14,227 confirmed cases.
It currently has just 7,338 active cases which is 0.08% of the entire population, and has recorded just 113 deaths in the past 18 months, just 0.001% of the population.

In the 24 hours leading up to 8pm on the 16th August, 151,767 faulty Covid-19 tests were apparently conducted and they found just 454 cases, 0.2% of all tests performed.
Make no mistake, this is dictatorial tyranny, Australia has fallen, and it could be coming to the United Kingdom this winter if you don’t act now.
The vaccine was developed, in prototype, before even the original SARS broke out, about 2002. This isn’t about keeping you well, it’s about controlling you useless eaters, so you won’t ever get out of control again. This so-called “vaccine” isn’t one, but it IS an inoculation, one that won’t immunize you to any pathogen, but it’s an EXPERIMENT in messenger-RNA Transfection. Once inoculated, you can make uninoculated people sick, by spike-protein shedding. Perhaps this is why they inoculate everyone, so nobody notices it’s fake and dangerous. If you sleep with one, you may experience symptoms. Organize, lawyer up, take them to court. Look up “”, go to “” for podcasts & broadcasts. Educate yourselves. Find supplements and natural sources of foods. question everything! Even veterinary grades of Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine work, plus they’re cheaper. Follow Reiner Fuehlmich in the International Criminal Court, Kent Heckenlively in US Courts.