Another Agenda 2030 Threat: This Time It’s Ostriches
Urge President Trump to Save Them!
Make Ostriches Safe Again
Take Action: Copy/Paste this Appeal
Then Send to President Trump Here:
Dear President Trump,
Pardon These Innocent Ostriches!
Research ostriches in the potential 51st State of Canada have been sentenced to die to comply with United Nations Agenda 2030. You must pardon these innocent birds and offer them asylum to Make America’s Immune System Research Great Again!
Weirdly, these 400 peace-loving, healthy ostriches, which comprise one of the only two research flocks in the world, have been condemned to death by a Canadian food agency. We appeal to you to pardon these birds for the ‘crime’ of offering natural immunity hope to mankind, continuing your tradition of Poultry Pardon, since you pardon a Thanksgiving Turkey each year.
Unlike turkeys, these 400 ostriches are not kept for food, but have been maintained for over 35 years to research the powerful immune support nutrients that mother ostriches produce in their eggs. Their death sentence is unscientific, cruel and illogical, and we appeal to you to save the lives of this unique ostrich community – for them and for us.
Killing these innocent birds will deprive all future generations of Americans of the unique and important health benefits and nutrients these ostriches provide.
Mr. President, Save the Ostriches!