Standing Up to Tyranny

Billy and Family
We have alerted Amnesty International for the Pacific Region, and in New Zealand regarding the arrests of Billy Te Kahika and Vinny Eastwood. Here is our letter and Billy’s response.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Wednesday, September 29th, 2021 at 04:33,Ralph Fucetola JD wrote:To: Amnesty InternationalI am writing to alert Amnesty International to the recent arrests and “bannings” of two New Zealand civil rights campaigners:Billy Te Kahika, a Maori leader and candidate for ParliamentVinny Eastwood, a podcaster and citizen journalistThey were present on August 17, 2021 at a public demonstration against forced masking, mandated vaccines and imposed lockdowns. The protesters were unmasked.The two were singled out by government agents and arrested for being unmasked. No one else was arrested.The two were held overnight and released on bail on condition that Vinny, who earns his living as a podcaster and citizen journalist, not have any access to the Internet. Billy, who is studying for ordination, is allowed to use the Internet only for ministerial training.Vinny’s banning was extended expressly to prevent him from reporting on violations of civil rights in New Zealand.I urge Amnesty International to take up the cases of these two civil rights campaigners. The Institute would consider supporting such an effort and has already contributed to Vinny’s legal expenses.Here are articles on the arrests:Sincerely,Ralph Fucetola JD
Kia ora dearest Brother Ralph,Greetings in His mighty Name brother.
Thank you for alerting Amnesty International! Your efforts to focus attention on our plight is appreciated. I can see the situation we are in clearer when others write about it.Here is ‘my give a little’ fundraiser page. We are working on one for Vinny too and should have this ready in the next day or two. a-little-legal-fundraiser-2/ Have the 2nd and 3rd phase legal costs starting to come in so we will do our best to push this out for myself and Vinny.Thank you also so very much for your prayers.The layers of attack across our country are immense and a huge thing we are fighting is the spirit of hatred, dishonesty, division and fear – it’s so sad to see our country be like this as we are traditionally a friendly society – but not so now – we are totally divided and in pain as a nation.I did a sermonette about it a couple of days ago. I was working in my garden and was impressed to broadcast this message. 973997686791424 A stunning turn of an event has happened. The Police are supporting a MASSIVE ‘freedom’ protest this weekend in Auckland while still in Alert Level 3 which is just dumbfounding when we were attacked at level 4 under virtually the same condition. The Police leaders even met with the organisers and have endorsed it.The catch is, they are pushing vaccinations, mask wearing, QR codes and have banned shaking hands and hugging at the event – this is unprecedented for a number of reasons as you can guess for an event promoting ‘freedom’.The issue we all have is the lack of science truth and Government honesty about Covid-19 and this is where as Christian Pastors we must stand up.The other tragedy that is heart breaking is the amount of suicides happening right now – so many Ralph, including a lot of kids (60 so far) and as a Father of six and Grand Father of two I take this very much to heart. The amount of businesses being destroyed right now in NZ is distressing as well as we see dreams, aspirations and livelihoods and homes lost as well as the descent into lawlessness and totalitarianism.Sister Rima saw it all so many years ago – May our God keep us with peace in our hearts as these are all birth pains and signs of the soon return of Jesus in the clouds. (1 Thessalonians 4:17)Brother, are we able to have a skype fellowship meeting? It would be great to talk in ‘person’ in a video call.Sending you my very best brother and as ever thank you for your work and that of our sister Dr Rima – I look forward to hearing from you again soon.Blessings,Billy Te Kahika
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