110 Page Manual for Families of Autistic Children
With Subscription to Online Quick Start Guide
Healing Your Autistic Child
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Available 01 May 2017
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From the Draft Introduction
“Autism rates are rising exponentially because we are overburdening the detoxification capacity of our children with voluntarily introduced toxins for the accomplishment of other agendas, sacrificing our children for the sake of those agendas.” – Rima E. Laibow, MD
A Natural Solutions Foundation eBook
© Natural Solutions Foundation 2017
Let’s start with the question of whether your autistic child has a condition at all. Is being autistic just like being left handed, a normal difference which should be accepted and adapted to or is it a preventable, cataclysmic and tragic consequence of largely preventable, and always treatable, inputs?
There are those who say that autism is another way of being normal calling it by the newly-minted scientific-sounding but absurd term, “neurodiversity”. They proclaim that people who are not autistic or, as it is popular to say, “on the autistic spectrum” are “neurotypical”.
They believe that if someone is just “neurodiverse” then there is no need to change them so the attempt to “cure” autism should be abandoned for the more worthy goal of “accepting” autism.
They are wrong. They are the witting or unwitting, but always dangerous, dupes of a cruel and calculated assault on our children, our future, indeed, our very DNA.
Some will say this is paranoid or conspiratorial. They say so because they have not examined the evidence or choose to ignore it. Some will say this is harsh and unkind. They have not examined the real options for cure. Some will say this is defeatist. They have not seen a fully retrieved former autist living life normally.
Please note that I am not demonizing the autistic, nor am I saying that they are unworthy of love, assistance and admiration for what they achieve at the cost of tremendous effort.
People like the impressive Temple Grandin, PhD[1] and the utterly adorable Rosie King[2] are wonderful testaments to the capacity of the human spirit to endure and soar despite massive impediments. But why should they have to work so hard and what about the many, many autistics who, like Rosie’s younger brother and sister, do not have the ability to overcome the biological mayhem caused by the aberrant processes in their brains and bodies?
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Obtain your copy of the 110 page eBook and the 15 page Quick Start Guide.
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[1] http://www.templegrandin.com/
[2] https://www.ted.com/talks/rosie_king_how_autism_freed_me_to_be_myself?language=en
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