Lost Arts Radio Show #211 – Special Guest Jerry Day

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Is Total Surveillance and Control Inevitable? What We Face, and Our Options, with Jerry Day

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 1/6/19

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9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Jerry Day

I have been watching the In Power movement’s development since it’s inception (www.inpowermovement.com), hoping it will soon become a viable way to prevent smart meters and other intrusions into our lives by the government-corporate complex. At this time, there is still the problem that even if we are legally and/or lawfully “right,” in claiming our rights not to be subject to smart meters, or any of a vast number of other trespasses on our personal sovereignty and innate freedoms, it can be hard to know what to do when authority figures with unlimited financial resources ignore our rights and push ahead to do whatever they want anyway. They are confident that most people are to fearful and do not have the resources to effectively resist their crimes.

Then recently, I watched a video by Jerry Day (www.freedomtaker.com), explaining a system of legally protecting one’s self from the installation of smart meters on home or office, or of using the same techniques to get on of those meters removed. Jerry has compiled a collection of helpful countermeasures and solutions to the EMF problem that you can see at www.emfhelpcenter.com. I was curious if all that he has learned would work in real life. And the same questions immediately came up in my mind as with the In Power movement. That is, if the techniques described worked, could they be applied to issues other than smart meters.

Jerry also talked about the financial scams that help to give municipal, state and federal authorities their power to dominate and control our lives, for example the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (“CAFR”), which documents how most of the money government at all levels takes from us never makes it into the “budget” of cities, state or federal agencies, but is used in ways most people never imagine. Jerry was also clearly aware of geoengineering, and other pieces of the puzzle of tyranny and destruction that told me we would have a very interesting discussion.

We are fortunate that Jerry agreed to come on the show and talk about how all these elements of the bigger picture fit together, and what we may be able to do as individuals to replace the dark future they are pushing us toward with something a lot brighter. If these big life questions interest you and you wonder how humanity and other life on our planet is going to successfully make it through the assaults, we all experience daily from those who rule us, you will enjoy being with us for this important discussion.

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Finally, don’t forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live (www.lostartsradio.com/live). It’s where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After “Lost Arts Radio Live” is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at www.planetaryhealingclub.com. Meet me there when you’re ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host


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