Lost Arts Radio Show #200 – Special Guest David Knight

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Can Real News Survive The Corporate Censorship – News Anchor David Knight Is Proving It Can

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 10/21/18

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9pm EST / 6pm PST

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I have been following with great interest for about 18 years the work of Alex Jones, the now almost universally censored and demonized host of Infowars.com. Alex started his work reporting the news without distortion 23 years ago on public access TV in Dallas. One of his earliest stories exposed corruption in the local police, and ever since he has had the incredible courage to say openly and publicly what he saw happening, without the slant of partisanship. He continues to cover stores and expose corruption that is never supposed to be talked about.

He also highlights the work of great unknown heroic people all over the world. His clear motive has been to bring back freedom and an ethical society of mutual respect and honesty in America as an example to the rest of the world. He wants to see a new renaissance of worldwide cooperation and freedom, as humanity uncovers its true potential. Until fairly recently, Alex has been hosting Infowars with the support of a great crew but without other major anchors. Now he has several, who are outstanding, in the same spirit in which Alex started the project decades ago. Struggling to survive vicious censorship, slander and false representation by the social media giants and all their global corporate allies, Alex is expanding his efforts in the face of these attacks, counting on all of us to appreciate the work he is doing, see through the mainstream media lies, and give him our support.

David Knight

One of the high-quality new anchors, who came to Infowars about 6 years ago and has been doing an incredible job is David Knight. If the iconic anchors like Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather and others had actually used their charisma and the public trust they were given to tell the full truth openly to their audiences, they would have been something like David Knight. David has the same high degree of charisma and image of integrity that people saw in those news anchors of the past, but there is a big difference. With David, the integrity, work ethic and honest search for the truth behind national and world events are not a show, they are actually real. This is not just refreshing, it implies hope that America is not doomed to fall into tyranny and deceit, as the big global corporations that own the mainstream media intend it to do. The work of Alex Jones and Infowars, built piece by piece from scratch, proves that as individuals we can accomplish what no form of tyranny can permanently suppress, the re-emergence of truth, a renaissance of freedom and a new, even higher form of global cooperation between free and sovereign people and countries all over the planet. In other words, as Alex says, “1776 Worldwide”. Here’s your chance to meet a genuine news anchor, what the more famous but less honest ones should have been, and see what he’s doing for your future. Infowars daily show archives are available on Bitchute.

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Finally, don’t forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live (www.lostartsradio.com/live). It’s where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After “Lost Arts Radio Live” is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at www.planetaryhealingclub.com. Meet me there when you’re ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host


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