Want to join? Information for new members
Planetary Healing Club is a weekly live, interactive gathering online every Saturday night at 9pm EST / 6pm PST. If you can’t make it to the live show don’t worry, as a member you can access the archived versions anytime (including all past shows).
Do you want real, practical information you can use, to regain and rebuild health and quality of life, even in difficult situations?
What you will hear in the Club, is the best of what is coming out of my own continuing 24/7 experimental research on all aspects of health and consciousness. It is powerful, honest and can change your life for the better, if you do the work required on and within yourself.
All money paid by members to join this club goes to Lost Arts Research Institute, to help this work continue. When enough money is raised, we plan to build a physical school (see www.lostartsresearchinstitute.org for more details on this). There is no obligation at all with Club membership, you can quit anytime you like. Minimum recurring donation for access to the Club is $25 per month. If you want to support what we are doing, and you have the means to do so, please donate any higher amount instead. It will help the school project manifest more quickly. Once you have signed up, your personal access keys will be sent to you by email every week.
May what you find here be the beginning of great things in all parts of your life.
Richard Sacks, Host
Lost Arts Radio
Independent holistic health scientist since 1965
Essene teacher and private health consultant
Important Reminder, this is not a medical service:
By clicking on the “register” button below (“recurring monthly donation”) in the amount of $25 or more per month to Lost Arts Research Institute (cancel at any time), I agree to the following terms. I will become a member of Planetary Healing Club, for as long as my monthly donations of $25 or more continue. As a club member, I will have access to all live video presentations of the Lost Arts Radio Saturday call-in show, and all archives of the show. I will receive information that is for members only. I understand that none of this information is to be construed as medical advice, diagnosis or suggested treatment of any condition or disease, but is for informational and discussion purposes only. How or if I use any such information is solely my own responsibility. For medical advice, diagnosis or treatment I will contact my own medical professional.