7 thoughts on “Celeste Solum Exposes Plan for Mass Depopulation and Directed Experimental Evolution

  1. was always afraid of this specialist, too horrifying! But that’s how Dr. David Martin explained in his talks, it started more intensive with the Moderna NSF grant: ‘Darwinian Chemical Systems’ to start the living systems from schratch, using RNA without primer strand: covid ‘vaccines’!!
    Now will start to listen to Celeste…

  2. this is way over everyone’s heads…

    the ultimate goal of the global elites and those of power is to continue meeting their end of the bargain..

    those who made a pact with satan must fulfill…

    wealth, power and fame are just some of it..

    god bless you on your journey and remember this…

    when the roman papal order will pass a mandatory day of rest.. around mother earth..

    the wicked laws will come..

    those who do not partake of this will be branded fanatics and branded…

    sabbath keepers who bow to no other than almighty god in heaven will be hunted by wicked men..

    Revelation chapter six, verse nine … … … …

    persecutions and the time of martyrdom will be at hand..

    satans plans are unfolding as he gathers the whole world under his control…

    not knowing his imitation of the second coming of jesus christ will be a flaw in those who worship a false god and are deceived..

    we will have to endure the 7 last plagues and pray the lord jesus christ seals us, the faithful who keep the commandments of god…

    Revelation chapter fourteen verse twelve … … …

    from them as the majority of the whole world receives the plagues and blames those who do not receive them and satan, this false angel of light speaks great things…

    things man has never heard before and will wander after the beast..

    his plan will unfold with legions of fallen angels imitating our departed loves ones, and the counterfeit will be almost perfect..

    and be faithful to the creator above, our lord jesus christ is the only one who can save us…

  3. Yes I ran into Celeste and her knowledge years ago before covid and believed some of it but not that they can inject things that will control us etc. But now I believe eveything she says for, for me she spoke of these things way before anyone else did. She was an insider to the globalists so she knows their ways. However she gave her life to Christ to then tell us the truth. I am surprised she is still living. But they do not care if we know their plans as they are so arrogant and think that are Gods and that nothing can stop them. Well God can stop them if He so chooses to.

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