Why Are Pro Athletes Dropping Like Flies?

Heart Attacks and Blood Clots Post Vaxx


Ssshhhhh! Can you hear it? Can you hear the outcry and news reports about all of the professional athletes dropping after being vaccinated? Me neither. In fact, you probably didn’t even know about all of them. Over 60 athletes are either sidelined or dead in less than a year and the silence is deafening. Cue the music…

These aren’t retired professional athletes (except for one). They are young, in peak physical condition, active athletes and none of them had any underlying conditions that we know of. Yet mysteriously (wink wink) they were all taken down by either a heart ailment or blood related incident shortly after being vaccinated.


In May 2021 NBA Player Brandon Goodwin  developed season & possibly career ending blood clots within 4 weeks of the vaccine. Shortly after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine Goodwin began to feel lethargic and abnormal body pain and soreness. He went to see his doctor and tests revealed he has blood clots. This discovery forced 26yr old Goodwin to end his season and may even end his career. Listen to him, in his own words, describe the situation:

On Sept. 12, 2021 Broncos offensive guard, 29yr old Graham Glasgow went to the hospital after experiencing an irregular heartbeat during their season opening game.


This year professional French tennis star, Jeremy Chardy, had to end his season due to vaccine injury. Shortly after being vaccinated Chardy began to experience inexplicable body pain that severely impacted his on-court mobility. As a result he was forced to end his season. He hopes the adverse effects will wear off and he will be able to resume tennis in 2022.

There are numerous stories & videos of people who have suffered things such as myocarditis, clots, paralysis, body tremors, inexplicable body pain, Guillain Barre Syndrome, heart attacks, and strokes shortly after being vaccinated. These are people with no medical history and are across all age groups. Particularly young people who typically don’t suffer these types of ailments.

The fact that we are seeing such adverse reactions in finely tuned, young professional athletes should be extremely alarming to anyone paying attention.

One such case is 23yr old professional baseball player Daniel Brito, who suffered a stroke mid-game on July 31, 2021. Brito was a rising star in the Philadelphia Phillies Triple A league. He underwent two emergency surgeries and will most likely never play baseball again. MLB mandated the vaccine for all minor league players & employees. Brito suffered his stroke shortly after being vaccinated.



On June 12, 2021 vaccinated 29yr old soccer star Christian Eriksen collapsed mid-game from cardiac arrest. He actually died but was resuscitated before being taken off field.


Barcelona soccer star Sergio Aguero was admitted to the hospital for a “cardiac exam” after experiencing chest pain during a match on October 32, 2021.

Then on November 1, 2021 professional soccer player Emil Palsson collapsed mid-game from a heart attack.

Professional hockey player, 24hr old Boris Sadecky, dies from cardiac arrest during a game:

In August 2021, Jets defensive end Vinny Curry, was forced to end his season during training camp due to blood clots and a rare blood disorder.

Former NFL linebacker Parys Haralson died from a heart attack on September 13, 2021. Parys played for the New Orlean Saints and San Francisco 49ers over his 8yr NFL career. He retired in 2014 and was only 37yrs old.


As I was writing this piece, yet another one came across the news wire. Professional bodybuilding champion, Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden died from a heart attack on November 6, 2021 at 46yrs old!

While it is possible that these cases had nothing to do with the vaccines, what are the odds that the same two issues – cardiac arrest & blood clots – would take down so many active professional athletes in less than one year (closer to 6 months)? Their only common denominator besides being professional athletes in peak physical condition is the vaccine.

Highlighted in this article are ten active professional athletes, plus one retired in less than one year. That should be more than enough dots to make a connection and scare the bejesus out of everyone. But the actual figure is likely more than 60 athletes that we know of.

Triathalon athlete, Suzanna Newell received her Pfizer vaccine on April 13, 2021. Shortly thereafter she began to feel a multitude of adverse effects such as fatigue, body pain, brain fog, tinnitus, a rash, and a debilitating burning sensation requiring her to use a wheelchair.

If this is happening to professional athletes at an alarming rate just imagine what the statistics are for us regular folk. “John Q Public” doesn’t get news articles and press releases about his/her death. How many are we not hearing about? My best guess is hundreds of thousands if not millions of deaths.

The VAERS database currently has over 18K deaths attributed to the vaccines. It is believed that VAERS only accounts for 1% of the actual number of cases. If this is true that puts vaccine related deaths at over 1.8 million!


The media is strangely silent on the wave of heart attacks and blood clots hitting professional athletes and people across all age demographics. Many adolescent boys have suffered heart attacks and myocarditis as well.

Here is an extraordinary list of athletes around the world who have allegedly suffered after being vaccinated. Its quite breathtaking. My article focused on 10 but the real number is FAR greater and at least over 60 athletes. Here is the list with links per case:

It is time for people to wake up, connect the dots, and start asking some serious questions about the vaccines’ safety. If you hadn’t heard of all of these cases before, you oughta know by now…



Here is the list of athletes worldwide which I copied from Reddit:

Two West Indies Players – Chinelle Henry, Chedean Nation Collapse on Field: https://www.india.com/sports/cricket-two-west-indies-players-chinelle-henry-chedean-nation-collapse-on-field-during-2nd-t20i-against-pakistan-women-watch-video-4785827/

Dembele, 29, Atletico Madrid striker collapses in training, requires medical attention

Alex Apolinario, 24, Brazilian soccer player dies after collapsing on pitch during match: https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/brazilian-soccer-player-alex-apolinario-dies-after-collapsing-on-pitch-during-match-in-portugal/

Britain’s Jack Draper, 19, collapses at Miami Open:

Mirko Kido, 36, Olympic gold medalist dies of heart attack during game: https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/indonesian-doubles-star-kido-dies-heart-attack-36-2021-06-14/

Ghanaian referee collapses during AFCON Match:

Referee Bert Smith collapses on court due to blood clot during Gonzaga-USC men’s Elite Eight game: https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/31222546/referee-bert-smith-says-blood-clot-lung-caused-fall-ncaa-tourney

Josh Downie, 24, cricketer dies after heart attack at practice: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-57058626

Giuseppe Perrino, 29, ex-Parma footballer dies at memorial match after collapsing https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/15151824/giuseppe-perrino-dead-29-parma-brother/

Raymond van Barneveld collapses and receives paramedic attention during PDC Championship: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/darts/pdc-players-championship-8-suspended-23759939

Devaraj Anchan, 33, volleyball player collapses during game, dies: https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Mangalore/volleyball-player-collapses-during-game-dies/article34185430.ece

Garissone Innocent, 20, fell unconscious due to abnormal electrical impulse in heart during game: https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/13901939/goalkeepers-rushed-hospital-collapsing/

Ethan Jovani Trejo, 16-year-old soccer player, collapsed on the field during training: https://eu.cincinnati.com/story/news/2021/06/25/teen-dies-after-medical-incident-princeton-high-school-field/5344293001/

Samuel Kalu, 24, Bordeaux star collapses minutes into football game: https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/58228778

Roy Butler, 23, Irish footballer Watford FC dies after Jansen:

Dylan Rich, 19, FA Youth Cup – player suffered sudden cardiac arrest on the field, passes away: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-58496077

Vinny Curry, 33, out for season due to blood clots: https://nypost.com/2021/08/25/jets-vinny-curry-out-after-rare-blood-disorder-diagnosis/

Cameron Dale, 29, Australian sailor dies after catastrophic stroke: https://7news.com.au/sport/sailing/australian-sailor-jessica-watson-reveals-sudden-death-of-partner-cameron-dale-c-3845979

Two young Columbia High school footballers die: https://www.wistv.com/2021/09/04/he-would-love-it-donadrian-robinsons-family-reacts-tribute-wj-keenan-high-school/?outputType=apps

Bollywood’s star, 40, dies following heart attack https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9950385/Indian-TV-film-star-Siddharth-Shukla-40-dies-heart-attack.html#reader-comments

Tom Felton, 34, collapses during golf game: https://bbc.in/3i4YpI5?fbclid=IwAR0aZBaXpiX9ky34g3eLiG3pcMs5r2udih4kRGUIi7GOBK3iciefX1-qoXk

Francis Perron, 25, Ottawa footballer dies after game: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/usports-ottawa-gee-gees-francis-perron-dies-1.6182332

Parys Haralson, 37, former Saints line backer dies: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2021/09/13/parys-haralson-former-49-ers-and-saints-lb-dies-37/8328669002/

Jimmy Hayes, 31, former Bruins player unexpectedly dies: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/08/23/sports/jimmy-hayes-former-bruin-boston-college-hockey-champ-dies-31/

Kjeld Nuis, 31, Dutch professional skater admitted to hospital with inflamed heart: https://www.rtlboulevard.nl/entertainment/news/artikel/5243606/kjeld-nuis-vaccinatie-ziek-update

John Stokes, 21, athlete at Tennessee Uni hospitalized with heart inflammation: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/student-athlete-john-stokes-myocarditis-covid-vaccine-002451374.html?guccounter=1

Jake Ehlinger, 20, found dead – cause unknown: https://usdaynews.com/celebrities/celebrity-death/sam-ehlinger-brother-death-cause/

Jeremy Chardy, 34, tennis pro cannot train or play after vaccine: https://www.tennisworldusa.org/tennis/news/Tennis_Interviews/102836/jeremy-chardy-i-regret-getting-vaccinated-i-have-series-of-problems-now/

Francesca Marcon, 38, volleybal professional can’t play, has pericarditis post vaccine: https://www.lapressa.it/notiziario/sport/la-campionessa-di-volley-ho-una-pericardite-post-vaccino

Yusuke Kinoshita, 27, baseball pro dies 7 weeks post vaccine: https://thecovidworld.com/yusuke-kinoshita-27-year-old-japanese-professional-baseball-player-dies-7-weeks-after-covid-19-vaccine/

Alex Stalock, 34, NHL Oilers goalie out for the season due to heart condition: https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/nhl-oilers-goalie-alex-stalock-miss-entire-season-with-heart-condition-covid-19-related-191817673.html

Ceylin Alvarado, 23, pro cyclists out for season due to blood complications: https://www.nu.nl/sport-overig/6160296/veldrijdster-alvarado-voorlopig-niet-in-actie-door-verstoord-bloedbeeld.html

Greg van Aevermat, 36, pro cyclist, loss of form since vaccine: https://www.indeleiderstrui.nl/wielrennen/van-avermaet-wijst-naar-vaccin-als-oorzaak-vormdip-op-deze-manier-heeft-wk-geen-zin/amp?__twitter_impression=true

Three young Belgian cyclists suffer heart issues following race: https://rtv.be/artikels/jonge-kempense-wielrenners-krijgen-hartklachten-na-vaccinatie-a102612

Kamila Label-Farrel, 19, Uni Basketball Star died unexpectedly: https://www.baytoday.ca/obituaries/lebel-farrell-kamila-3884874

Jacob Downey, 19, Queens Uni Hockey player passes away after medical emergency: https://www.kawartha411.ca/2021/10/01/local-teen-queens-university-student-passed-away-suddenly-after-medical-emergency/

Christian Eriksen, 29, Collapses at Euros due to heart issue

Josh Archibald, 28, Oilers hockey forward out indefinitely due to myocarditis: https://www.si.com/hockey/.amp/news/oilers-forward-josh-archibald-out-indefinitely-with-myocarditis

Jen Gouveia, 38, suffered cardiac arrest during a run: https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/husband-of-toronto-mother-who-died-suddenly-on-run-says-he-lost-his-everything-1.5501767

Kyle Warner, pro BMX cyclist has pericarditis post vaccine:

16 year old youth suffered cardiac arrest after weightlifting: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/16-year-old-suffers-cardiac-arrest-following-strenuous-weightlifting-session-six

Brandon Goodwin, 26, Atlanta Hawks star, career over due to blood clots: https://www.peachtreehoops.com/2021/10/3/22706769/former-atlanta-hawks-guard-brandon-goodwin-claims-covid-19-vaccine-ended-his-season

Ewan Fraser, 30, Glasgow hockey player suffered cardiac arrest, passes away: https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/7832060/glasgow-hockey-player-died-collapse-life/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

David Jenkins, 31, Olympic silver medalist diver unexpectedly passes away: https://metro.co.uk/2021/10/12/david-jenkins-dead-at-31-tributes-pour-in-for-team-gb-olympic-diving-coach-15404658/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

Paul Zisper, 27, Munich basketball pro, has emergency surgery after brain hemorrhage related to J and J: https://www.fr.de/sport/drama-um-zipser-90801217.html

Filip Ingebrigsten, 28, Norwegian runner suffers loss of form post vaccine: https://norwaytoday.info/sport/filip-ingebrigtsen-is-back-in-training-after-experiencing-long-corona-vaccination-side-effects/

Avi Barot, 29, Saurashtra cricketer suffers cardiac arrest, passes away: https://www.thehindu.com/sport/cricket/young-saurashtra-cricket-player-avi-barot-dies-after-suffering-cardiac-arrest/article37015873.ece

Abou Ali, 22, professional footballer collapses on pitch during game: https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/16118079/footballer-wessam-abou-ali-awake-hospital-collapse/

Fabrice NSakala, 31, Besiktas defender collapses on pitch during game: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/aug/22/fabrice-nsakala-besiktas-collapse

Jens De Smet, 27, footballer collapses on field, passes away of heart attack: https://newswep.com/jens-27-collapses-on-the-football-field-and-dies-this-is-not-maldegem/

Jente van Genechten, 25, footballer collapses on field due to heart attack: https://www.sudinfo.be/id411745/article/2021-08-18/25-ans-un-joueur-belge-de-football-fait-un-arret-cardiaque-sur-le-terrain-avant

Frederic Lartillot, French footballer collapses in changing room, passes away due to heart attack after game: https://www.leprogres.fr/culture-loisirs/2021/09/11/deces-d-un-joueur-de-foot-apres-un-match-ses-coequipiers-ont-tout-tente-pour-le-sauver

Benjamin Taft, 31, German footballer collapses after game, passes away due to heart attack: https://www.anpfiff.info/mobile/sites/cms/artikel.aspx?SK=2&Btr=96044&Rub=390

Rune Coghe, 18, Belgian footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch: https://www.sudinfo.be/id409738/article/2021-08-07/rune-jeune-joueur-de-18-ans-secroule-sur-le-terrain-du-rds-plus-le-temps-passe

Helen Edwards, referee taken off court during World Cup qualifier due to heart issues: https://www.rtl.de/cms/dfb-spiel-unterbrochen-linienrichterin-vom-platz-getragen-4834888.html

Dimitri Lienard, 33, FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game: https://madeinfoot.ouest-france.fr/infos/article-rc-strasbourg-dimitri-lienard-a-ete-victime-d-un-malaise-354221.html

Sergio Aguero, 33, Barecelona star striker admitted to hospital for cardiac exam after match: https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/31/football/sergio-aguero-barcelona-chest-pain-spt-intl/index.html

Emil Palsson, 28, Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game: https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/norway-footballer-emil-palsson-cardiac-arrest-b1949583.html

Antoine Méchin, 31, French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna: https://www.sudouest.fr/sport/course-pedestre/triathlon/le-triathlete-saintais-antoine-mechin-met-un-terme-a-sa-saison-et-ne-se-referait-pas-vacciner-si-c-etait-a-refaire-6234090.php

Luis Ojeda, 20, Argentine football player unexpectedly passes away: https://www.antena3.com/noticias/deportes/futbol/emotiva-carta-lola-ortiz-muerte-novio-futbolista-luis-ojeda-soporto-idea-volver-ver-verte-nunca-mas_20210426608696616e5d5b0001eb20e9.html

Greg Luyssen, 22, Belgian pro cyclist ends career due to heart issues: https://kw.be/sport/wielrennen/wielerbelofte-greg-luyssen-22-uit-de-panne-over-gedwongen-afscheid-door-hartprobleem-dat-akelig-gevoel-wil-ik-nooit-meer/

Pedro Obiang, 29, ex-West Ham star suffers myocarditis post vaccine: https://thecovidworld.com/pedro-obiang-29-year-old-professional-footballer-suffers-myocarditis-after-covid-19-vaccine/

Cienna Knowles, 19, equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/teen-equestrian-star-cienna-knowles-hospitalised-with-blood-clots-after-pfizer-vaccine/news-story/286e7cd42e896b091e4b257322296a05

Boris Sadecky, 24, Slovak hockey player dies of heart attack during hockey game: https://www.rt.com/sport/539312-bruno-sadecki-hockey-player-khl-death/

Tevita Bryce, 28, Montclair rugby player suffers major heart attack and collapses during game: https://www.montclairlocal.news/2021/10/27/28-year-old-montclair-rugby-team-player-collapsed-on-field-medical-bills-are-mounting/

Meghan Roth, 34, runner collapses during Boston marathon due to cardiac episode: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/10/27/runner-collapses-during-boston-marathon/

Daniel Brito, 23, Philadelphia baseman collapses on pitch during game due to stroke: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/phillies/2021/08/03/phillies-minor-leaguer-daniel-brito-stable-after-collapsing-field/5476645001/

Quandarius Wilburn, 19, Virginia Freshman collapsed during the team’s preseason training and passes away: https://sports.yahoo.com/virginia-union-university-student-dies-after-collapsing-during-football-practice-174930563.html

Ava Azzopardi, 14, Runaway Bay soccer player collapses and suffers cardiac arrest in the under-14/15s grand final: https://7news.com.au/sport/soccer/gold-coast-soccer-community-rallies-around-girl-14-after-suffering-heart-attack-on-field-c-4269085.amp

Florian Dagoury, 34, World Record holder in static breath-hold freediving diagnosed with myocarditis post Pfizer: https://lemediaen442.fr/florian-dagoury-recordman-du-monde-dapnee-diagnostique-avec-une-myocardite-et-une-pericardite-apres-sa-vaccination-pfizer/

Source:  emc2.substack.com/p/why-are-pro-athletes-dropping-like

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