Ontario lawmaker authors bill that would ban COVID discrimination of employees

Featured ImageRoman BaberYouTube screenshot

(LifeSiteNews) — Independent Ontario MPP Roman Baber has proposed legislation that would prevent employers from suspending, firing, or penalizing employees who choose not to get the COVID-19 jabs.

“I’m calling on Doug Ford to immediately recall the legislature to allow for the introduction and the passing of my proposed private member’s bill, the Jobs and Jabs Act 2021,” said Baber at a press conference on September 14. “Over the next few months, countless Ontarians will lose their jobs and their ability to put food on the table, because of a personal choice. And while their choice is different than I, and the choice that many Ontarians made, we all agree that it’s still a choice.”

Baber said that his proposed Jobs and Jabs Act 2021 would also ban employers from firing those who refuse to disclose their “vaccination status.”

He said employers should be willing to “accommodate” employees or offer rapid tests as an alternative, but that “no Ontarians should lose their jobs because of a personal choice.”
“The Doug Ford government slogan was always, ‘open for business and open for jobs’, after locking down Ontario for almost 18 months, Doug Ford is ready to leave countless Ontarians jobless and destitute, for exercising what he referred to as their choice,” said Baber.

Premier of Ontario Doug Ford has prorogued Ontario’s legislature until October 4.

Baber was booted from the Progressive Conservative Party by Ford for opposing COVID lockdowns earlier in the year.

Since his initial announcement of his intentions to bring forth his private members bill, Baber has continued to ask people to sign his petition which calls on Ford “[t]o immediately reconvene the Legislature and pass the Jobs and Jabs Act, 2021.”

On September 24, Baber wrote to Ontario’s minister of labour asking him if he would support his bill and not try to “block it.”

Since September 22, Ontario has had in place a vaccine passport that bans the un-jabbed from participating in many aspects of social life.

While there is not yet a province-wide mandate for healthcare workers to be jabbed, some of Ontario’s health boards have taken it upon themselves to implement mandates.

Last week, 172 employees from Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) and Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH) were suspended without pay for refusing to get the experimental COVID injections.

Some large municipalities such as Toronto have mandated the jabs for all city workers.

As is now widely known, people who have taken the experimental COVID-19 jabs can still contract and spread the disease. COVID vaccine trials have never produced evidence that vaccines stop infection or transmission. They do not even claim to reduce hospitalization, but the measurement of success is in preventing severe symptoms of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 injections approved for emergency use in Canada, including the Pfizer jab for ages 12 and up, all have connections to cells derived from aborted babies.

All four have also been associated with severe side effects such as blood clots, rashes, miscarriages, and even heart attacks in young, healthy men.

The list of FDA-recognized adverse events has grown from severe anaphylactic reactions to include fatal thrombotic events, the inflammatory heart condition myocarditis, and neurologically disabling diseases like Guillain Barré Syndrome. Meanwhile, the CDC reported a COVID-19 infection survival rate of greater than 99.95% for those under age 50.

Source:  www.lifesitenews.com/news/ontario-lawmaker-authors-bill-that-would-ban-covid-discrimination-of-employees/

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