Still don’t believe mask mandates work? Over and over, we’ve screamed “DIE, YOU SCIENCE DENIER!” in your face, and yet you still doubt the science.
Once and for all, we bring you indisputable scientific proof that mask mandates just work, period:
1) Look at this simple bar graph: SCIENCE.

2) Florida never imposed mask mandates, and now they’re all dead: It is literally a barren wasteland of corpses lying on the beach, playing pickleball, going to restaurants, etc.
3) Intellectual juggernauts from “The View” say so: Not even the brilliant AOC would dare challenge the incomparable wisdom of the show’s co-hosts.
4) The COVID can’t get into your body if you literally can’t breathe: Mandates: 1, COVID: 0.
5) Very low rates of infection among old-timey stagecoach robbers: Have you ever heard of an old western robber dying of COVID? No, you haven’t. There’s a reason for that.
6) The science is settled. Until it changes: But if you question it now, you’re anti-science, even if the science later agrees with you.
7) Residents of Antarctica wear face coverings outdoors: Zero COVID.
8) All the politicians and celebrities follow the mandates, and they know best: Hell will freeze over before we hear of an elected official breaking their own mask mandate.
9) If it doesn’t work, why is it mandated by the government? Checkmate.
10) The CDC has reams of scientific studies proving mask mandates work: And they will happily publish them in 75 years.
NOT SATIRE: At UnMask, we are not fans of masks or mask mandates, but if you are forced to wear a mask, we are committed to providing you and your family the most free-breathing masks on the planet, and building them right here in the USA!
We created the UnMask out of two layers of the most breathable, ultralight materials that exist. The result is a mask that people can wear and breathe in all day without headaches, claustrophobia, or constantly fighting off anxiety attacks. The UnMask will not trap heat or moisture, fog your glasses or muffle your speech.
Legions of people that wear an UnMask refuse to wear anything else. Try an UnMask and you’ll never wear anything else either. Each UnMask is proudly designed and made right here in the USA.
Try an UnMask and save 20% at – Use the code BEE20 at checkout.