The 10 Million Patriot Challenge to #ExitUN is built on local action to generate a groundswell of public demand to exit the United Nations to protect our liberties and sovereignty.
Educating members of Congress while they are in their home districts while they are in recess is a critical part of the ten million patriot challenge effort to succeed in passing Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR:6645 / S:3428). Most members of Congress are still comfortable with the illusion that the UN exists for peaceful and benevolent purposes. We understand that nothing could be further from the truth.
We, as members of Congressional constituencies, have the right and responsibility to meet with our members of Congress and educate them on why it is in our best interests and theirs to ensure the passage of this urgent Bill and ensure that it will override and Oval Office veto.
Members of Congress need to understand that they are personally involved in criminal, fraudulent actions if they do NOT vote to disentangle the United States from a fraudulent ‘membership’ in the United Nations. [1] They further need to recognize that the UN, rather than serving as a congenial peace-keeping organization has set itself up to be the new global tyranny, compelling biodigital convergence, depopulation and enslavement of the remaining subject population.
Below you will find a downloadable Talking Point document you can use when briefing your members of Congress in person or electronically. We recommend this briefing be arranged with a small group of your friends and neighbors for the greatest impact.
Remember to be calm, congenial and polite at all times, sticking to the Talking Points. Your purpose is to inform and mobilize your member of Congress to act as you direct.
Here are Some Helpful Hints on How to Set Up a Meeting with a Member of Congress
One powerful step freedom advocates can take is to contact their representatives in Congress for an in-person, Zoom or similar conference to advocate for the passage of the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR:6645 / S:3428).
Such meetings, usually with members of the representative’s staff, are powerful tools to engage the representative on the issue. We find this gets results.
1. Download the Talking Points document and the Wrecking Ball meme
2. Look up your representative online
3. Call the congressional office and ask to do a Briefing on HR:6645 / S:3428
4. Have three to ten allies at the Briefing with you
5. Follow the Talking Points during the briefing
6. Get the name & email of any staff member(s) present for follow-up contact
7. Take photos or screenshots during the meeting
8. Follow-up with an email including the images, Talking Points and Wrecking Ball Meme
9. Share the images, Talking Points and Meme widely on social media
10. Encourage others do likewise.
This form of lobbying, making a formal presentation to the Member and/or staff, with follow-up, gets congressional attention and is a powerful force multiplier in achieving our goal — #ExitUN.
Remember — motivate others in your Circle of Influence to join you in the 10 Million Patriot Challenge!
Download and share the Meme above and the Talking Points below for the Ten Million Patriot Challenge: #ExitUN NOW!
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